Is LASIK a Good Solution for Astigmatism? An Interview With An Expert

With astigmatism occurring in 1 out of 3 Americans, the standard treatment approach is corrective lenses or contacts. While it’s true that these can provide good vision correction for those with astigmatism, they can also be uncomfortable, require regular maintenance, and may break. For individuals who have astigmatism in combination with near – or farsightedness, […]
LASIK Eye Surgery Recovery: 10 Tips In Your First Days After

Anyone who has undergone surgery, even minor surgery, knows that it takes time for the body to recover. This is no different with LASIK eye surgery recovery, as it’s a delicate procedure that requires you to have a solid recovery plan in place. In this post, you’ll learn about a few tips you can do […]
Take a Hike: Protecting Your Eyes in the Great Outdoors
Fall is hiking season, and you’ve likely given plenty of thought to sturdy footwear, suitable clothing, and lightweight gear. But while you’re planning for comfort and protection on the trail, don’t forget your eyes! Being in the great outdoors couldn’t be better than when you’re on nice hike – but so much exposure to the […]
On Again off Again – Buying Glasses Online vs. In-Store
The online marketplace has reduced the shopping process for millions of custom items, like shoes, clothing and décor, to a few clicks. Shopping for glasses can also be reduced to a fully at-home experience, but unlike clothes and books, glasses are engineered for a unique medical purpose. Shopping for glasses online can be convenient, but […]