Eyeglasses in Griffin and Locust Grove

There are numerous choices when deciding on prescription glasses or contacts. Glasses not only need to look great, but they also need to fit your facial characteristics and lifestyle. From the workout room to the board room, we have an amazing selection of high-quality eyewear to choose from, and a team of dedicated professionals who can assist you in making the right selection.
There are also plenty of choices when selecting contact lenses, each offering different advantages over another. Let our trained professionals direct you towards the perfect choice for contacts that will fit both your personal eye characteristics and lifestyle.
Contact lenses are a great alternative or complement to glasses for those who require corrective eyewear. They come in a variety of forms, are made of different materials, and are designed for different patterns of wear. Our Griffin vision specialists can help choose the best type for your eyes, furnish you with the correct prescription, and provide expert instruction for proper care and use of your contacts.
Sunglasses in Griffin and Locust Grove
When buying sunglasses, it’s imperative to make sure that they are 100% UV protected. Protecting yourself from UV rays when undergoing any outdoor activity is a must. Most of us know that we must protect our skin from UV rays, but did you know that UV rays can also damage your eyes if your eyes are regularly exposed?
If your sunglasses do not provide UV protection, they will dilate your pupils. The dilated pupil generally lets in more light to counteract the dark tint, leading to eye diseases like macular degeneration, cataracts, pterygium, or even sunburn to the cornea. Thanks to Takle Eye Group, you can quickly get UV-protected sunglasses!
Contact our Griffin, GA or Locust Grove, GA optical department today to schedule an appointment!
Locust Grove Location:

Griffin Location: